LewRockwell.com – February 11, 2011 Posted on February 11, 2011 by RSS Feed Friday, February 11, 2011 Power-Elite Looting and Mass MurderMurray Rothbard on Kissinger, the Rockefellers, and Arab killing. My Association With Liars, Bigots, and MurderersTom DiLorenzo on his time with Congress. Bless the State for Self-Defrosting FridgesOr so claims the commander-in-cheek. Article by Jeff Tucker. Christian Warmonger on SteroidsLaurence Vance on government mass murder and other family values. Facebook Nation, Facebook WorldRon Holland on freedom in Egypt, and how it will spread. When You Live in a Corrupt, Statist CountryMake corruption your friend, says Doug Casey. Another Lying Pol in the Fed’s PocketAnd he mumbles as he smears. Article by Bob Wenzel. The March Towards Capital ControlsIt’s quickening, says Simon Black. Forget CollegeGet a life instead, says James Altschuler. 59.9 Percent?Thousands are running up credit-card balances at this rate. Hyperinflation and Capital DestructionJim Willie on the mythology and official nonsense the Fed uses to justify QE2. Jim Rogers and Doug CaseyThey’re the two must-read authors for any commodity investor, says Kevin McElroy.