LewRockwell.com – November 29, 2011 Posted on November 29, 2011 by RSS Feed Tuesday, November 29, 2011 The CIA-MI6-Mossad War on SyriaIt’s part of the jihad on Iran. Article by Eric Margolis. Americans, Listen to the Ruling EliteGive up your wealth for nothing. Article by Mike Rozeff. Why Young Americans Love Ron PaulThey’re sick of war, empire, jingoism, and the police state, says David Sirota. Why I Moved to a Freer CountryJohn Brennan on living in Mexico. Land of the Cage, Home of the IncarceratedWill Grigg on the US of Prisons. Don’t Buy One of TheseEric Peters on 5 current automotive disasters. The Lizard Wants To Be FuhrerJustin Raimondo on Newt. The NY Times Invents New LiesTo keep covering up the JFK murder. Article by Russ Baker. Take Ron Paul SeriouslyIf you want any freedom at all. Article by Steve Greenhut. Diversify Into Something Life SustainingAnd continue to accumulate gold and 10oz. silver bars, says Richard Russell. The Only Moral and Practical Solution to Government DebtWrite it off, says Charles Hugh Smith. Help Your Heart and So Much MoreJoseph Mercola on the health and healing benefits of coconut water.