The Hidden $15,000 Tax YOU Pay

Thanks to a lazy, incompetent Congress.


MEDIA ALERT: Starting this morning, Jim Babka guest-hosts a radio talk-show. He’ll be on all week. See details below today’s…


I wrote a letter telling Congress to pass the Write the Laws Act (S 1663 & HR 4343) using’s campaign.

Please do the same. You may borrow from or copy this letter…

The Competitive Enterprise Institute ( reports that regulations, imposed by unelected bureaucrats, cost the economy $1.863 trillion in 2013. That’s almost $15,000 per household!

And the 2013 Federal Register was 79,311 pages. While Congress passed 72 new laws, bureaucrats imposed 3,659 new rules. That’s…

* 51 rules for every law

* A new rule every 2 ½ hours!

I do NOT consent to bureaucratic law-making! After all…

Unelected bureaucrats do NOT represent me. YOU are supposed to represent me.

I demand you say “no” to…

Legislation without Representation. Begin doing your job, by…

Passing the Write the Laws Act!


 Send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.

Then, do one or both of these things…

1. We’ll send you a copy of your letter, via email, when you’re done — so you can easily forward it. Share it with a couple of friends who are likely to agree.

2. After you’ve sent your letter, you’ll be taken to a page where you can make a contribution. Consider starting a micro-pledge of $1, or $5, or more.

Thanks for doing your part to Downsize DC,

Jim Babka

President, Inc.


All this week, Monday – Friday (May 5 – 9), LIVE on talk radio, Jim Babka will guest-HOST Gary Nolan’s top-rated, radio show. It airs from 9 AM to Noon Central time.

This morning, Bill Haynes, of CMI Gold & Silver, will share why now is the best time to buy silver, and how to choose a dealer.

The show broadcasts in Columbia and Jefferson City, MO. You can listen live at — click on Listen Live, top right side of the page.



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