MEDIA ALERT: Starting this morning, Jim Babka guest-hosts a radio talk-show. He’ll be on all week. See details below today’s…
I wrote a letter telling Congress to pass the Write the Laws Act (S 1663 & HR 4343) using’s campaign.
Please do the same. You may borrow from or copy this letter…
The Competitive Enterprise Institute ( reports that regulations, imposed by unelected bureaucrats, cost the economy $1.863 trillion in 2013. That’s almost $15,000 per household!
And the 2013 Federal Register was 79,311 pages. While Congress passed 72 new laws, bureaucrats imposed 3,659 new rules. That’s…
* 51 rules for every law
* A new rule every 2 ½ hours!
I do NOT consent to bureaucratic law-making! After all…
Unelected bureaucrats do NOT represent me. YOU are supposed to represent me.
I demand you say “no” to…
Legislation without Representation. Begin doing your job, by…
1. We’ll send you a copy of your letter, via email, when you’re done — so you can easily forward it. Share it with a couple of friends who are likely to agree.
2. After you’ve sent your letter, you’ll be taken to a page where you can make a contribution. Consider starting a micro-pledge of $1, or $5, or more.
Thanks for doing your part to Downsize DC,
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
All this week, Monday – Friday (May 5 – 9), LIVE on talk radio, Jim Babka will guest-HOST Gary Nolan’s top-rated, radio show. It airs from 9 AM to Noon Central time.
This morning, Bill Haynes, of CMI Gold & Silver, will share why now is the best time to buy silver, and how to choose a dealer.
The show broadcasts in Columbia and Jefferson City, MO. You can listen live at — click on Listen Live, top right side of the page.