LewRockwell.com – November 3, 2010 Posted on November 3, 2010 by RSS Feed Wednesday, November 3, 2010 The Victory of LibertyMurray Rothbard on libertarian strategies. Lee Harvey Oswald Was Indeed a PatsyA Lew Rockwell podcast with former FBI agent Don Adams on the coup in Dallas. There Is a Revolution ComingAgainst State handouts, so-called entitlements. Article by Gary North. Why Is Jonah Goldberg Still Respectable?Except in these precincts, of course. Article by C.J. Maloney. Imperial GangbangersThe Outlaws are far more reputable than the Pentagon gang, says Will Grigg. Bye, Bye Miss American LieRobert Higgs on the death of the dollar, and our economic friends and enemies. The New Internet Privacy ThreatPaul Green on exactly how to block it. Radio Free NeoconJustin Raimondo on tax-funded war lying. The Golden PromotionThe Daily Bell on the elites’ manipulation of the precious metals markets. The Eerie Calm Before the StormWill the US economy ever recover from the Fed’s coming rounds of money printing? Currency Wars and the End of Dollar HegemonyAmbrose Evans-Pritchard on QE2. Disaster AheadDon’t retire, don’t get sick, don’t trust the feds, and don’t sell your gold says Bill Bonner.