BIG NEWS! “One Subject at a Time Act” reintroduced in the House

BIG NEWS! Mia Love reintroduces “One Subject at a Time Act” in the House, with record co-sponsors. Retweet

All those messages you sent to Congress have paid off!

Downsize DC’s “One Subject at a Time Act (OSTA)” has been re-introduced in the House by Representative Mia Love of Utah. Its new bill number is H.R. 4335. Plus…

She introduced the bill exactly the way we wrote it!

This is exciting! We now have our bill introduced in both chambers of Congress! Remember, OSTA has also been introduced in the Senate by Rand Paul — bill number S. 1572.

You can read Representative Love’s press release about the bill, along with two articles about it from Deseret News and Care2. Even better…

Representative Love has already been hard at work recruiting co-sponsors for the bill.

She already has 11 additional Reps on board. That’s a record. The previous high was 9. Here’s the new list of co-sponsors…

Rick Mulvaney [R-SC-5]

Chris Stewart [R-UT-2]

Thomas Massie [R-KY-4]

John Ratcliffe [R-TX-4]

Jim Jordan [R-OH-4]

Steve Pearce [R-NM-2]

Mark Walker [R-NC-6]

Dave Brat [R-VA-7]

Raul Labrador [R-ID-1]

Rod Blum [R-IA-1]

Kevin Yoder [R-KS-3]

So where do we go from here?

We need to take several steps. First, go the Mia Love’s Facebook page and thank her for introducing OSTA. Second…

Make a contribution to help us capitalize on this good news, including the distribution of a press release. We need to get out the word far and wide. That will attract new DC Downsizers and help us pressure more potential co-sponsors. You can contribute or start a monthly pledge using our secure contribution form.

But that’s not all. We’ll have another step to take in our next message. In the meantime, don’t forget to…

  • Thank Mia Love on her Facebook page Here and/or Here and/or Here and/or Here!

  • Seriously: Check out those Like and Share numbers! Compare them with her other posts. OSTA is popular!
  • And then, consider making a contribution — especially if it’s been awhile or you’ve never donated. We finished 2015 in deficit. But we must capitalize on this excellent news, right? So…

Please, make a contribution so we can capture this momentum and spring to our next bit of good news — which, by the way, is coming real soon! In fact, we’re going to blow you away this month with the amount of good news we have in the pipeline.

Thank you, and please READ OUR NEXT MESSAGE so we can take the next step of progress!

Jim Babka & Perry Willis

Downsize DC