After Saudis Beheaded 47 People, Belgium Now Refusing to Sell them Arms, Germany May Follow

By Matt Agorist On Saturday, the Saudi Arabian government beheaded 47 people, one of whom was prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a senior opposition figure. He and the others were all killed for their charges of “undermining the national security” of the kingdom.
Immediately following the beheadings, countries across the globe–except for the United States– denounced the barbaric move.
Rightfully outraged with the beheadings, Shiite Muslims in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Bahrain angrily condemned the executions, and Iranian protesters stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran.
These inhumane acts of murder on the part of the Saudis have forced the hands of those who sell them …read more
