#OpTrump Has Begun — Anonymous Just Declared War Against Donald Trump

By Matt Agorist Earlier this week, Donald Trump shocked the world when he called for banning all Muslim travel into the United States, as well proposing to “Close the Internet.”
These recent statements have caused a storm of controversy across the world, even forcing neocons to denounce Trump as a viable candidate.
Shortly after Trumps comments, Anonymous released their statement, decrying his tyrannical idiocy.

After the video, anons took to social media displaying screenshots of the collective launching a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack on Trumps website, trumptowerny.com, which is dedicated to informing readers about “New York City’s prestigious Fifth Avenue icon.”
https://t.co/AhA1CqdXPt nearly down. we …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/optrump-begun-anonymous-declared-war-donald-trump/