U.S. Supreme Court Heard Arizona Redistricting Case on December 8

By Richard Winger The U.S. Supreme Court heard two redistricting cases on Tuesday, December 8. The Texas case, Evenwel v Abbott, got the most press attention. But the Court also heard an Arizona case, Harris v Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, 14-232. Here is the transcript.
The Arizona case was won by the Independent Redistricting Commission last year in a 3-judge U.S. District Court. The case involves legislative redistricting. Some voters charged that the Commission impermissibly and deliberately put too many voters in the Republican-leaning districts, and too few voters in the Demoratic-leading districts.
An oddity in the case is that …read more

Source:: http://ballot-access.org/2015/12/10/u-s-supreme-court-heard-arizona-redistricting-case-on-december-8/