“In a drive thru? Really?” Man Ticketed by Cop for Replying to Text Message While in Drive-Thru

By Mike Sawyer Alberta, CA — A.J. Daoust was minding his own business, hadn’t caused harm to anyone, and simply wanted a quick meal when he was targeted by Alberta’s finest as an easy mark for extortion.
As Daoust was waiting in line at a Tim Horton’s Drive-thru in Beaumont, he received a text message, naturally he replied. Sitting in a drive-thru and texting, even to the most staunch anti-distracted driving advocates, is considered entirely harmless as you are most likely stopped while doing so.
However, according to a Beaumont cop, Daoust was placing the entire planet in danger when he sent out that digital …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/in-drive-thru-really-man-ticketed-cop-replying-text-message-drive-thru/