With Four Hours to Go, 23 Presidential Candidates Have Qualified for a Louisiana Presidential Primary

By Richard Winger Filing for the Louisiana presidential primaries closes on Friday, December 4, at 4:30 p.m. With a little more than four hours to go, already nine Democrats and fourteen Republicans have filed. See the list here, via the Secretary of State’s web page. So far, neither Jim Gilmore nor George Pataki have filed.
Candidates get on the ballot by paying a filing fee of $1,125. $750 goes to the government and $375 goes to the state party.
The highest number of candidates in a past Republican presidential primary in Louisiana was 2008, when there were eleven. For the …read more

Source:: http://ballot-access.org/2015/12/04/with-four-hours-to-go-23-presidential-candidates-have-qualified-for-a-louisiana-presidential-primary/