Louisiana Republican Party Files Federal Lawsuit Against Donation Limits for Political Parties

By Richard Winger On August 3, the Louisiana Republican Party filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., alleging that the part of the McCain-Feingold Law of 2002 that limits individual campaign contributions to political parties is unconstitutional. The lawsuit only pertains to independent expenditures made by political parties.
Here is the Complaint. The case is Republican Party of Louisiana v Federal Election Commission, 1:15cv-1241.
Generally, all groups can receive unlimited donations if the money is used for independent expenditures. The only type of group for which that statement is not true is a political party. Before 2002, anyone …read more

Source:: http://ballot-access.org/2015/08/04/louisiana-republican-party-files-federal-lawsuit-against-donation-limits-for-political-parties/