Florida Supreme Court Orders Legislature to Redraw U.S. House Districts

By Richard Winger On July 9, the Florida Supreme Court issued an opinion in League of Women Voters of Florida v Detzner, SC14-1905. The order says the state’s U.S. House district boundaries for eight districts violate the State Constitution. The order says the legislature must quickly redraw the boundaries of these eight districts:
5, Corrine Brown
13, David W. Jolly
14, Kathy Castor
21, Theodore E. Deutch
22, Lois Frankel
25, Mario Diaz-Balart
26, Carlos Curbelo
27, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Of course, new boundaries for this districts will mean new boundaries for next-door districts, so probably a majority of the 27 districts will need new boundaries. The vote was 5-2. …read more

Source:: http://ballot-access.org/2015/07/09/florida-supreme-court-orders-legislature-to-redraw-u-s-house-districts/