‘The Land of the Free’ Now Forces 4-Year-Old Boys to Have Circumcisions Against their Will

By Matt Agorist Palm Beach, FL — As Americans cheer on the wars in the Middle East lambasting the entire Muslim Community for the barbaric act of female circumcision, an American woman is jailed for refusing to circumcise her own child.
Contrary to popular belief, not all Muslim populated countries practice female circumcision. Many Christian majority countries practice this horrendous act. Also, those who stand against it, far outweigh those who are for it.
The irony here is that the same rabble-rousers who use female genital mutilation as a reason to “turn the whole place into a parking lot,” are silent when one of …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/the-land-free-forces-4-year-old-boys-circumcisions/