Op-Ed Pleads with Olympia Snowe, a New Member of the Commission on Presidential Debates Board, to Push for More Open Debates

By Richard Winger The Portland Press Herald of Maine has this op-ed, pointing out that, last year, former U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine became a member of the Board of Directors of the Commission on Presidential Debates. The Commission Board only has 17 members. The op-ed pleads with Snowe to advocate that the Commission on Presidential Debates expand entry into the general election presidential debates, which it controls. If even one of the Directors of CPD takes this action, the policy might change.
The op-ed points out that other respected Maine political figures, including William S. Cohen, Eliot R. Cutler, …read more

Source:: http://ballot-access.org/2015/05/10/op-ed-pleads-with-olympia-snowe-a-new-member-of-the-commission-on-presidential-debates-board-to-push-for-more-open-debates/