Justice Prevails in New Mexico! Gov. Signs Bill Abolishing the Ability of Cops to Steal from Citizens

By Jay Syrmopoulos Sante Fe, N.M. – On Friday, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez signed the unanimous bipartisan legislation, H.B. 560, which effectively ends the practice of civil asset forfeiture in the state.
Civil asset forfeiture is officially no más in #NM! Conviction now required for property seizure! @ACLU @radleybalko pic.twitter.com/gtZUf0gNas
— ACLU of New Mexico (@ACLUNM) April 10, 2015

The practice of civil asset forfeiture has come under intense scrutiny as of late, as people are increasingly coming to the realization that civil forfeiture encourages policing for profit.
“Police agencies have used hundreds of millions of dollars taken from Americans under federal civil forfeiture law in …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/mexico-completely-abolishes-civil-asset-forfeiture/