Minnesota Bill Would Make All Police Body Cam Footage Private, Sponsored by 3 Cops Turned Congressmen

By Jay Syrmopoulos St. Paul, Minn. – A bill sponsored by two former cops Rep. Tony Cornish and Rep. Brian Johnson, and one current police officer, Rep. Dan Schoen, would make any video recorded on police officer’s body cams private.
Police departments would be required to destroy any data not involved in an active criminal investigation after 90 days under the bill, it would also require that the video only be accessible by law enforcement or the individuals in the video.
Minnesota state data law now presumes footage captured on body cam as being open to the public, although in practice this is often not …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/minnesota-bill-police-body-cam-footage-private-sponsored-3-cops-turned-congressmen/