Police Assault And Handcuff Wrong Man. But It’s Okay, they “Did It In Good Faith”

By John Vibes If a civilian assaults someone and deprives them of their freedom, they can not simply say it was an accident and be off the hook.
St. Ann, Missouri – Police in a town just outside of St. Louis recently assaulted and handcuffed the wrong person during a high speed chase. 22-year-old Joseph Swink was driving down the road, minding his own business last week, when his car was hit by a vehicle that was in a high speed chase with police.
Swink’s car was hit by the fleeing suspect, who continued to speed down the road after the collision. Instead of following …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/police-assault-handcuff-wrong-man-in-good-faith/