If Civilians Beat an Innocent Man like these Cops Did, They’d Be In Jail. Instead the Cops Stay Cops

By Matt Agorist “All three of them started beating me on the head….they beat me like a bunch of thugs”
San Antonio, TX — A violent trio of San Antonio cops won’t miss even one day of work after they mistook an innocent man for a drug suspect and brutally beat him.
In May of 2014, Roger Carlos was taking pictures of a building in the 10600 block of Westover Hills Boulevard in San Antonio, TX, when his life changed forever.
Carlos was photographing a building of what was soon to be home to his wife’s medical practice when all of the sudden he was ransacked …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/civilians-beat-innocent-man-cops-did-jail-cops-stay-cops/