Police Kill Unarmed Man On His Doorstep As He Brought Dinner To His Family

By John Vibes “This one went bad, from the standpoint of how it ended, but the officer was doing exactly what we want him to do,” Police Sergeant Crump said.
Phoenix, Arizona – Tuesday night, 34-year-old Rumain Brisbon was shot and killed by a police officer, because the officer mistakenly thought that he was carrying a gun. The Phoenix Police Department has not yet revealed the name of the officer responsible for the murder, but the smear campaign, by the media, against the victim has already begun.
According to police, the officers involved were investigating Brisbon because some neighbors allegedly told them that someone in …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/police-kill-unarmed-man-doorstep-brought-dinner-family/