On The Lam (Epilogue)

Well dear reader that’s about all I can share of my tale, I hope you enjoyed the crazy times life has thrown at me since I escaped the tyranny of the state. If I have inspired just one of you to say ‘no’ to the dictates of tyrants then I feel I have done well. Growing up I would always hear, and also believe that America was number one. When looked at outside of emotion and with the facts in hand, it is clear that America is still number one in a few things. They have more laws than any other nation on Earth, they have more prisons than any other nation on Earth, and of course more prisoners than any other nation on Earth. When it comes to freedom, the American system has become an Orwellian nightmare and I feel for all my brothers and sisters caught up in its gears. I wish I could say that there was some system somewhere that was doing it right, but that is impossible no matter what system is in place. Any vertically structured system of power is inevitably going to fall into the hands of tyrants. They are more sinister, more ruthless, more cunning than any do-gooder could ever deal with and will always slither through. I see the only way to real freedom for all is to eliminate all forms of vertical integration between humans and have a horizontally integrated system of peace, personal responsibility and liberty. I know it is probably idealistic for me to think that it would ever happen in my lifetime but one can hope. I have yet to find the person who thinks that we ( the human species ) have found the final step in our evolution of how we deal with each other. Everyone seems to know that we have farther to go yet but no one is sure how to get there. I’m not sure I know the path either but it starts with a change in consciousness and realizing that the individual is the most important thing there is and that everything else is an imaginary construction. Only then will people begin to disconnect with the collectives they have been forced into, and brainwashed to believe are somehow good for them. Until that time arrives I will remain in the shadows of life, living as free as I can in this world of ruling despots. Stay free brothers and sisters!