If Cops Are THIS Afraid of Each Other, Why Should the Public Support Them?

By The Free Thought Project William Norman Grigg | LewRockwell.com
Redondo Beach resident David Perdue was nearly murdered by police on the way to the beach February 7, 2013. Torrance Police Officer Brian McGee rammed his vehicle into Perdue’s truck and opened fire on the driver’s side without pausing to identify the driver, who he thought was former LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner.
A few hours earlier, Dorner – who had published a manifesto condemning the LAPD and threatening to kill officials involved in his termination from the force – had shot two Riverside County cops, killing one of them. McGee was among the thousands of police officers …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/cops-afraid-other-public-support-them/