On-Duty Cop Shows Up Plastered Drunk For Target Practice, Will Not Face Any Charges

By John Vibes “You definitely have a dangerous circumstance where you’ve got a guy driving under the influence who is on duty, armed and handling a gun, and you’re going to give him a pass?”

A police officer in Red Bank, Tennessee showed up at a local firing range drunk last week.
The officer was so noticeably intoxicated that he was actually pulled aside by other police department employees and given a blood-alcohol test.
Detective Doug Millsaps blew a 0.114 and a 0.124 on the police department’s breathalyzer after attempting to participate in a firearm training drill, according to police Chief Tim Christol.
Initially, Millsaps was suspended …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-resigns-showing-firing-range-completely-wasted/