Police Chief Accused of “Protecting & Serving” $50,000 Out of a Children’s Charity Fund

By John Vibes The “Laliberte Toy Fund” was set up by a now deceased police officer, and in the entire time that the charity was running, only one single check for $250 was sent out to a needy family.
Joseph Buffis, former police chief of Lee, Massachusetts has been accused of embezzling more than $50,000 from a holiday fund which was supposedly set up for underprivileged children.
Years ago, the “Laliberte Toy Fund” was set up by a now deceased police officer, and in the entire time that the charity was running, only one single check for $250 was sent out to a needy family, …read more

Source:: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/police-chief-accused-stealing-50000-childrens-charity-fund/