Well, they’re prosecuting FedEx for not opening packages!
FERGUSON: Police Militarization
Downsize DC President Jim Babka will DEBATE Gary Nolan on the militarization of cops on the radio tomorrow, Thursday, August 21 at 9:30 AM Central.
Gary’s position: Gun controllers always argue that too many guns leads to violence. Saying the cops have too many weapons is the same argument.
Jim’s position: With great power comes greater un-accountability. Exotic military weapons in the hands of The State will coarsen police behavior.
Tune in:The show broadcasts in Columbia and Jefferson City, MO. You can listen live athttp://theeagle939.com/ — click on Listen Live, top right side of the page.
A prescription drug that might cost the same as a cup of coffee, might cost YOU the same as a family vacation at your local pharmacy. And that’s the way the Big Pharma cartel wants it.
So when people bought their medications and had them shipped to them, the Feds, who serve the interests of cartels like this, cracked down on the shipping companies.
FedEx has stood alone and fought. But the price they’re likely to pay, $1.6 billion (yes, with a B) in fines, is steep.
Please tell your Representative and Senators to end Drug Prohibition. You may borrow from or copy this letter…
Your bogus prosecution of FedEx for delivering “illegal” prescription drugs is ALSO another attack on my privacy…
* FedEx was pressured to open shipments to check for illegal drugs — an end-around on the 4th Amendment (http://bit.ly/1q744Zk)
* This opens door to coerce private shipping companies to search packages in non-drug criminal investigations
* MY packages could be randomly searched, even if I’m not suspected of anything!
I do not believe, FOR A SECOND, that this is to “protect” the health of WILLING customers. Instead, this prosecution is a way to protect Big Pharma from less expensive competition by cutting off the supply route of their competitors.
Drug prohibition is…
* UNCONSTITUTIONAL: No provision authorizes it
* IMMORAL: It tramples on our privacy and freedom of choice
* MURDEROUS: Here in the U.S.A. and across the world
And, as this prosecution of FedEx demonstrates, it is also, clearly, CORRUPT.
Do the right thing, and obey your oath to support the Constitution.