The Feds vs Your Religious Freedom

Another reason to end the Surveillance State

Send a letter to Congress demanding repeal of the Surveillance State.

You may borrow from or copy this letter…

Recently, Glenn Greenwald’s new journal, The Intercept, profiled the case of five Muslims who have been surveilled by U.S. intelligence agencies. Each of these persons works for a peaceful non-profit organization. None were suspected of crimes. In fact, one of them recently had a top security clearance from our own government. Yet…

Each was wiretapped under FISA.

Doesn’t this remind you of J. Edgar Hoover’s wiretapping of African-American leaders in the 1960s?

Why should individuals be wiretapped when they’re not criminal suspects?

How can there be “freedom of religion,” if belonging to a certain religion means you could be wiretapped? Here’s what I think…

A danger to anyone’s freedom is a danger to EVERYONE’S.

Let me be clear…

I don’t want this warrantless spying done in my name. I DO NOT CONSENT to these illegal, immoral tactics!

Deny federal agents the “power to abuse.” Pass the Surveillance State Repeal Act (HR 2818). This bill would…

* repeal the Patriot Act

* repeal most of the FISA Amendments Act

* prohibit surveillance without a valid warrant based on probable cause

Obey your oath of office. Restore the Bill of Rights.

PASS HR 2818!


Send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.

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Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,

James Wilson

Policy Research Director, Inc.



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