Please do the same. You may borrow from or copy this letter…
Stop the FBI’s Next Generation Identification System (NGI). This sprawling database does far more than provide mug shots and fingerprints of criminal suspects.
Its ultimate goal is to use face recognition technology and street surveillance cameras to track MY movements.
* if I attend a peaceful protest…
* pass a mosque, or…
* enter an area with a reputation for drug-dealing
…I could be profiled and identified. I might be viewed as “suspicious.”
Worse, the law requires an assessment of the NGI’s impact on our privacy. But it hasn’t been completed. I doubt it ever will be!
Nevertheless, if it is completed, the NGI will still be a mistake-prone, privacy-violating machine. It will _further_ undermine the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments.
I’m left to wonder if Congress hates these inconvenient amendments. Do you hate them?