9 Years of REAL ID

A bad bill that never would have passed if we had the One Subject at a Time Act.


I told Congress to pass the One Subject at a Time Act using DownsizeDC.org’s campaign.

Please do the same. You may borrow from or copy this letter…

May 11 marks the 9th anniversary of the enactment of the REAL ID Act. This bill did NOTHING to stop terrorism. Instead, it…

* caused hardship on many elderly and poor people, and those with name changes, who merely wanted to renew their drivers license

* was an unfunded mandate on the states

Those are just two of many reasons that 25 states passed a law or resolution rejecting REAL ID.  


It NEVER would have passed on its own merits!

Instead, it was attached to an unrelated “support the troops” bill with no discussion or debate.

I DO NOT CONSENT to this sort of “governing.”

The One Subject at a Time Act will stop this form of Congressional abuse.  

I demand that you…

* Repeal the REAL ID Act

* Pass the One Subject at a Time Act.


Send your letter using DownsizeDC.org’s Educate the Powerful System.

Jim Babka


DownsizeDC.org, Inc. 



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