Improve Your Healthcare with 4 Simple Changes

Or, cut your phone bill so you can afford Obamacare

I sent Congress a letter using Downsize DC’s campaign to “Restore consumer controlled health care.” Please do the same. You may copy or edit my comments…


Obama promised that high-quality health insurance would cost less than our cell phones. Now he wants us to cut our phone bills so we can afford healthcare! (


I’d rather cut my “government” bill. Give me FREEDOM!  


1. Allow insurance companies to sell plans across state lines. This would lower premiums by reducing state-imposed coverage mandates.


2. Put individual policies on the same tax-footing as employer-provided policies. This would reduce the pre-existing conditions problem.


3. Make FDA drug approval optional. Let doctors and patients choose the protections they want. This will increase innovation and lower costs.


4. Abolish licensing requirements. Let consumers choose practitioners based on educational requirements, experience, and patient reviews. This will expand the supply of medical professionals and create more personalized attention.


These steps will increase supply and lower prices.  


Repeal Obamacare. LEGALIZE FREEDOM!


–End of Letter–


You can send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.


You will receive a copy of your letter to Congress via email. Please share your letter with friends. Ask them to take the same action.


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Jim Babka

President, Inc.



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