Have you ever been accused of being anti-law and anti-government?

Can you describe the difference between a true government and a false one?


Our previous two Zero Aggression Project (ZAP) mini-articles…



Today’s mini-article will extend these ideas. In a short 39 words it defines true governments in terms of three traits. Our current “government” lacks these traits. Here’s why this is important…


Have you ever been accused of being anti-law and anti-government?


What if the reverse is true?


  • What if you could turn the tables and establish yourself as the true defender of lawful order?

  • What if those who defend the current system are really the advocates of lawlessness, crime, and disorder — even though they don’t mean to be?


This is our strategic aim — to change the terms of debate in exactly this way. Do you want to adopt this strategy as your own?


  • Go here to read the concept

  • If you like it, share it, using Facebook, etc.

  • Please consider linking to this mini-article whenever it relates to your Internet discussions


Coming soon: More ZAP concepts, plus our new ZAP polling software. Stay tuned!


Ending soon: The ZAP Founders Committee will close at the end of March. To join, contribute before the deadline.


Perry Willis

Zero Aggression Project



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