Do you meet people who use democracy to justify evil?

What do you say to them? What should you say?


We’re introducing another Zero Aggression concept today. This one is about democracy.


People seem to think anything can be justified as long as people vote on it first. But is that true?


We’ve written a 132-word mini-article about this question. And that’s our action item for today. Change the world by introducing new minds to new ideas…


  • Go here to read the concept

  • Share it if you like it, using Facebook, etc.

  • Please consider linking to these mini-articles when you discuss things on the internet


We’ve condensed these arguments to make them quick and easy to absorb.


We’ll be sharing more concepts over the days ahead. When we’ve gone through all of them we’ll switch gears and show you our new Zero Aggression polling tool.


Please also consider joining the ZAP Founders Committee. We’ll be closing it at the end of March.


Perry Willis

Zero Aggression Project



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