The new website for the Zero Aggression Project is now online and ready for you to use!
It’s a big website, so we’re going to show it to you a piece at a time. You can start by reviewing our heuristics page.
Below are the links to the first three heuristics. Each one is extremely short. Once you’re on the page you can read as many or as few heuristics as you want.
We’ll continue to feature new heuristics in the Chronicle over the next couple of weeks, until we’ve gone through all of them.
After that we’ll take you on a tour through the other parts of the site. We hope you like what you see.
The Zero Aggression Principle does not equal pacifism. It prohibits neither assertiveness nor defense. It only prohibits initiated force.
How to use the ZAP Heuristics page
There’s no longer any need to read or lend books to share your philosophy. The extremely short articles on our heuristics page contain the essential knowledge of a whole shelf of tomes, in an average of about 130 words each.
You can learn (or teach) the whole Zero Aggression philosophy in a matter of minutes. You can share these articles through social media, or email them to people, or link to them when you leave comments on blogs.
When you engage in online debates, please remember to use these articles.