My long-time friend from college, Rahim, lives in Cebu City, Philippines. He’s fine, and he immediately began providing humanitarian aid in the form of food and medical supplies to people who were injured and whose homes and belongings were devastated by the storm.
Yesterday he said,
With $350 donated, we bought 150 kg of rice, 300 tins of sardines, 150 servings of instant noodles, ten limb saws, ten pair work gloves’ 50 bottles of sterile alcohol, and matches. Hope we can do the same tomorrow. 100% goes to buy food and supplies. The aid agencies are overwhelmed and the areas we are helping are smaller, and out of the way.
I will personally match any donations made in bitcoin 1:1 for this effort up to 10 bitcoin. I control the bitcoin address below and will forward everything I receive and matcing donations to support Rahim’s efforts. Here’s the Bitcoin address I’m using for this: 1KCjWWhESnJHb3rDvRh65AJYACbRCWGPof
Fr33 Aid applauds people like Rahim who find themselves in a position to help others in need and then go out and do it. Our mission is to support individuals whose projects highlight the value of mutual aid. To further this mission, Fr33 Aid has donated 1 bitcoin to the address above in support of Rahim and the people he’s helping in the Philippines.
UPDATE 11 pm CDT: Over 5 bitcoins raised already! Thank you for the outpouring of support!
Rahim posted the following to Facebook today:
To my dear friends, and friends of friends, who have helped with donations: every good person I know here in Cebu is involved in relief efforts. They are variously packing food bundles into the evening with their kids, collecting donations around town and delivering them to collection centers (there are MANY), employing their own boats and vehicles to drive supplies and help up north, coordinating supply lines and managing collection points, etc. These people are from all walks of life, dropping whatever they are doing to help the people in Philippines whose lives have been devastated by this disaster. Their selflessness has give me a profound sense of community here, and the value of community accross borders.
But I have a problem, the amount of donations I have received from you will soon exceed what I can personally distribute in a timely manner (limitations of vehicles, time). In lieu of personally overseeing the full life cycle of these funds I can, pending consensus, distribute GOODS I PURCHASE AND DOCUMENT to heroic friends mentioned above, who will get it where it needs to be to keep the aid flowing north. What do you think?
Many thanks,
Derick M. Bulkley AKA Rahim Jehosophat Rabeepatootin
The consensus among Rahim’s friends is captured in one of the comments, which states, “I trust you more than any government or nonprofit organization.” And I replied, “I absolutely support this, Rahim. Thank you!”
Per Rahim’s request, I’m sending him USD via PayPal each day at Bitstamp spot for the bitcoins collected to date. I’ll let the bitcoins continue to accumulate meanwhile so the total amount can be tracked easily.
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