LewRockwell.com – July 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How One Lone Libertarian Wrecked the Spy State
And regained some internet freedom for the world. NB: some bad language.
Top 5 Reasons I Stopped Caring About Politics
Paul Rosenberg on the idiocy and horror.
Nationwide Civil Unrest
Will there be riots if George Zimmerman is acquitted? Article by Fred Reed.
The Man of Conscience
Edward Snowden speaks from Moscow.
Imperial Hubris
Has it undone the empire? Article by Paul Craig Roberts.
Why Go to War for a Nation State?
There is something monstrously out of whack about the notion, says Robert Higgs.
Fraud, Corruption, and Sleazy Manipulation
Oh no! I don’t have enough gold and silver, says Richard Daughty, the Mogambo Guru.
The Dictionary You Need
Of the Global War on You. Article by Tom Engelhardt.
Stay the Course
Frank Holmes on gold.
Gone Are Sleeping Berths, Gourmet Food, Fashion Shows
11 things we no longer see on airplanes. Article by Kara Kovalchik.
Will They Seize Your Food and Resources?
"Hoarding" of anything can be banned, says Mac Slavo.
The Six-Pack Sculptor
Leah Hardy on a new generation of fat zappers that work.