LewRockwell.com – June 25, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

An FBI Double Agent?
Russ Baker on the dead Boston bomber.
Forced Funding for Circumcision?
Walter Block on conservative "religious liberty."
War, Christianity, and the State
They’re incompatible, says Laurence Vance.
Out of Africa?
Nope: out of America, says David Deming.
Did a Military Missile Down TWA Flight 800?
96 eyewitness reports, from sea, land, and aircraft, describe exactly that.
Americans Hate Freedom
Eric Peters on the gas-guzzler tax.
The Stock Market Is Doomed
It will be Armageddon without nukes, says Paul Craig Roberts.
Bit by Bit Strategy
Walter Williams on the Fabian way.
American Supremacy Is Over
Why haven’t we understood this? Article by Sean Thomas.
Can a Feminist Military Rule the World?
Pat Buchanan is worried.
The Illusion of American Freedom
John Whitehead on the land of the blind.
Malnourished But Overweight
Daisy Luther on how processed foods can make us fat and sick.