LewRockwell.com – April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Fake Quote Machine
Tom Woods exposes the money cranks.
Jay-Z, Beyonce, and Me
Why can’t we all travel to Cuba? Ron Paul wants to know.
What the US Is Up to in North Korea
Invasion and conquest directed against China and Russia. Article by Eric Margolis.
Do You Feel Protected by Police and Prosecutors?
Of course, not, says Bill Anderson. They’re oppressors.
Gold Is in the Crosshairs
Peter Schiff on what’s ahead.
Who’s Responsible If You’re Killed or Injured?
If the cause is a government-mandated device, no one is, says Eric Peters.
Death Propaganda
Stephen Lendman on New York Times vs. North Korea.
Legalize Polygamy!
I’m not kidding, says Jill Keenan.
Selling Out the 2nd Amendment
Have they forgotten that the anti-gunners are incrementalists? Article by S. H. Blannelberry.
I’m Dropping Out of College
The cost is just too high. But you can buy a piece of me, says Sarah.
Can You Pass the Good Grammar Test?
Here are the questions, and the answers.
Big Money’s Gold ‘Rape and Pillage’ Operation
After the margin call liquidation, look forward to stabilization and a strong recovery, says Clive Maund.