LewRockwell.com – March 4, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013
Why Was JFK Murdered?
Tim Kelly on the conspiracy within the national security state.
How Anarcho-Capitalism Would Work
Murray Rothbard on society without a public criminal class.
The Media Don’t Matter
Beppe Grillo proves it, says Gerald Celente.
Pedal to the Metals?
If you realize even some of the crimes of the Fed, says Peter Schiff.
The Face of Heroism
Glenn Greenwald on Bradley Manning.
Squid Bacon?
Be ready for the culture shock of expatriation says Mike Rogers.
3D Downloads of Semi-Automatic Weapons
The software is free on the internet.
Top 10 Most Expensive Car Wrecks
Some of them cost millions.
Have a Sweet Tooth?
Taste Joseph Mercola’s guilt-free, satisfying chocolate coconut treat.
110 Companies Won’t Sell to Cops
AR-15, 1911-maker Wilson Combat joins the growing movement, says Max Slowik.