LewRockwell.com – February 20, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Want To Understand Lincoln?
Read Tom DiLorenzo, says Walter Williams.
The Heroic Spirit of Business
John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods, talks to Lew Rockwell about capitalism.
The Koreans Are Coming!
No they’re not, says Eric Margolis.
Gold Disinformatsiya
The feds and their media lie about what’s at the NY Fed. Not to mention Ft. Knox. Article by Bob Wenzel.
Currency Wars Are Heating Up
Peter Schiff on why the pound is getting pounded.
Another Way for the Overlords To Control You?
Jon Rappoport on artificial intelligence.
Oppose All Gun Control
100’s of rallies planned for Sat., 2/23, the Day of Resistance. See the list here, says Alex Newman.
Yes, You Are a Criminal
You just don’t know it yet, says Mark Nestmann.
With Firearms and Ammo Sales Booming
Unions dump gun-related investments. Article by Daniel Terrill.
Own Up, Men
Brett and Kate McKay on dealing with our mistakes.
The Mystery of the Giant Barcodes
Painted on the ground across the world.
Time for Spring Cleaning?
The top 10 herbs for detox can help, says Edward Group.