LewRockwell.com – February 14, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Secret Court for Killing
With El Supremo as judge, jury, and executioner. Article by Andrew Napolitano.
Judaism, Capitalism, and Marx
David Gordon answers all your questions.
What Did the Dorner Manifesto Really Say?
Don’t believe the media, says Mike Rozeff.
The Ruthless Union
Jon Rappoport on the current crime boss.
The Cross of Wood
And the cross of gold. Article by Bill Bonner.
Ron Paul Dot Com
Jonathan Goodwin on the controversy.
‘Realistic Urban Training’
Are the feds getting us used to military occupation? Article by Mac Slavo.
War and Civil Unrest Ahead
Say top financial analysts.
The Game Is On
Currency wars are real, say Yra Harris and Greg Hunter.
The Electric Edsel
Another creation of the State-oligarchy complex. Article by Eric Peters.
No Sales to Anti-Gun Governments
More firearm makers refuse to supply them, says Alex Newman.
Rogue Ex-Cop Offed
Crime scene destroyed. Questions and suspicions abound.