LewRockwell.com – February 7, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I Hereby Give Myself Permission To Murder
Andrew Napolitano on the predator-in-chief.
The Luddites Among Us
Gary North on protectionists and other enemies of liberty.
Another Tom Woods Smackdown
He demolishes his opponents.
What If Atlas Really Shrugged?
And Algoreans got their way? Article by Dave Deming.
Medications and Massacres
Doug Casey on the suppressed shrink connection.
Punishing Kids for Make-Believe Guns in School
What’s behind it? Article by Jon Rappoport.
The Secret Government
And how it disguises its ops. Article by Jack Douglas.
You’re Not Taking My Guns
Sandy Hook father Bill Stevens delivers an epic speech to politicians everywhere.
Government To Track All Internet Use
Time to get serious about encryption. Article by Daimen Gayle.
Protect Your Data From the Feds
New smartphone app makes it easy.
Are Rising Home Prices an Illusion?
Greg Hunter and Fabian Calvo on another disaster in the housing market.
How to deal with 10 types of biting, stinging insect pests.