Giving Libertarians a Bad Name

It seems the past few years have seen an increase in the number of people calling themselves “libertarian.” Normally this would be excellent news for people who support a society in which the maximum role of civil government is the protection of life, liberty, and property.

It becomes a problem when people who call themselves libertarian begin advocating for a more intrusive government. Some so called libertarians support gun control, humanitarian wars, the continued us of foreign aid, higher taxes on “the rich,” universal health care, a massive welfare program, stricter immigration laws and many other non-libertarian policies.

Glenn Beck is among these unlibertarian-libertarians.

He is now claiming that he will be relaunching ‘The Blaze’ as Global Libertarian Network. The problem lies in the fact that Beck’s network will misrepresent libertarian ideals and promote his message of false-libertarianism.