LewRockwell.com – December 31, 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012

The Right Sets Up a Police State
The left wants to disarm the people. Article by Paul Craig Roberts.
Real History
Clyde Wilson on 2 good books on Lincoln’s war.
Peeping Sam
Mike Rozeff on the surveillance State.
Who Murdered Benazir Bhutto?
Eric Margolis on the US colony of Pakistan.
Avoid the Ethanol Blues
Eric Peters on preventing corn damage to your engines.
May I Shine Your Shoes, Mr. Koch?
Bob Wenzel on a revealing puff piece.
I’m a Peaceful Assault Rifle Owner
Marc Victor and his AR15.
Are We Targets of Government Mind-Control?
Jesse Ventura on the brain-invasion conspiracy.
What’s in Your Toolbox?
These 14 are must-haves no matter what’s ahead.
Gear for Your Guns
The 15 best of the year. Article by David Higginbotham.
Hangovers From Hell
How celebrities survive them.
We Need Your Help
Lew Rockwell on hate groups for the State.