![]() Why Do the Neocons Hate LRC?The other day, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovered a set of ideas that had to be stomped out of existence: anarcho-capitalism. That’s LewRockwell.com, of course. But the SPLC will have to get in line behind the rest of the neocons: the NY Times, the Washington Post, National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Commentary, the Weekly Standard, and the rest of the gang – none of them much like this site.
Is that a reason to despair, or crow? Well, let’s examine the neocons. As Ron Paul has pointed out, they call themselves “big-government conservatives” and “national greatness conservatives.” This bunch, which runs the Republican party, the conservative movement, and some of the left, too, has been Ron’s most vicious enemy. They know how close he is to LRC, and that he’s said it’s the first site I read every morning. Neocons believe deeply in militarism, the corporate State, the police State, the welfare State, the national security State, permanent war, ultra-nationalism, central banking, global empire, and the “noble lie.” The noble lie, by the way, is any propaganda that helps foist their rule on us, and is therefore justified. In other words, they’re fascists. And whom do the neocons hate the most? Whom do they feel most threatened by? Libertarians. Not the “libertarians” paid by the Koch Bros., who are effective allies of the neocons. But Rothbardian anarcho-capitalists, we who advocate Austrian economics, truth-telling history, and real freedom and property. We who understand that society does not need a set of despicable overlords, and that – in Murray Rothbard’s words – “the State is a gang of thieves writ large.” We who hold that the moral law applies across the board, and that one is not exempted from it by a government suit. If something is wrong for you or me, it is also wrong for the cop, the soldier, the mayor, the governor, the general, the Fed chairman, the president. Theft does not become acceptable when they call it taxation, counterfeiting when they call it monetary policy, kidnapping when they call it the draft, mass murder when they call it foreign policy. We understand that it is never acceptable to wield violence nor the threat of violence against the innocent, whether by the mugger or the politician. When it comes to that cabal of plutocrats and their henchmen known as Washington, DC, we do not salute . We do not consent to their dastardly deeds, nor their rule over us. And we never refer to the government as “we.” So why is LRC in particular so hated by the neocons, the fascists, the commissars, the reich-wingers? Well, we only have to ask: what is the world center of anarcho-capitalism? What has turned more neocons into libertarians than anything else? What teaches the philosophy of freedom, real ecoomics, and truthful history to millions all over the world? What exposes everything from the Pentagon to Big Pharma, official historians to Keynesian economists? What is the largest circulation anarcho-capitalist publication in history? What, that is, makes the neocons spitting mad? Well, it’s LRC. Ever since I turned my rolodex into an email list and then into a website, we’ve been making real progress, especially among the young, in this country and many others. You should see the moving and thrilling emails I get. People credit LRC with changing their lives. And that is what infuriates – and scares – the neocons. They want to shut LRC down. So, what should we do about it? For you, as for me, there is only one answer: carry the intellectual fight into their homeland. Never despair. Never stop. Never give up. Never retreat. For we have the truth on our side. We have the great ideas. I would be so grateful to have your help in telling the neocons: Get lost. Indeed, I can’t do it without you. Once a year I ask for your help in keeping this site not only on the air, but growing and more influential. Please, bug the neocons and all who want their boots on our necks. Help LRC make 2013 our most effective year for freedom since our founding in 1999. The huge, centralized army of the bad guys appears to be winning. But our guerillas are driving them crazy. And guerrillas always beat big, centralized armies. As Ron Paul showed, the young are increasingly with us. The neocons are yesterday’s men. Every dollar you send is a slap in the face to the arrogant enemies of liberty, to those who say, with Mussolini, “Everything within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” If you know the State is our greatest enemy on earth, if you appreciate LRC as its opponent, if you support our fight, if you stand with us, if you want to be able to continue to read a new LRC 6 days a week, please make a generous gift. I would be so grateful. December 27, 2012 Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of LewRockwell.com. See his books. Copyright © 2012 by LewRockwell.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given. |