LewRockwell.com – Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
We Need a Divorce Now
Between religion and politics, says Gerard Casey.
Secret Murder Campaigns
Are they really supposed to make us “safer”? Article by Ron Paul.
Uncle Parasite Wants You
If you want to enforce violence, and feed off it. Article by Chris Rossini.
Is Murder Ever Legitimate?
Wearing a government suit doesn’t make it so, says Laurence Vance.
You’re the Guinea Pig
In the bankster experiment.
How Big Is the Student Debt Problem?
It’s the largest “asset” on the federal balance sheet, says Doug Short.
Police Drone Runs Amok
$300K gadget crashes into their SWAT tank.
A Disturbing Supposition
Regarding Franklin, Abe, and Barack. Article by Anthony Wile.
No Police State Blues
With these 10 Christmas albums. Article by John Whitehead.
Since Nothing Lasts Forever
Sheila and Dan on prepper redundancy.
Top 10 Packaged Foods To Avoid
Cross them off your shopping list for good, says Joseph Mercola.