LewRockwell.com – December 7, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012
You Have the Right To Secede
No government can take it away, says David Gordon.
Big Pharma Waters Down Aspirin
To promote its own dangerous drugs. Article by Bill Sardi.
If You’re Stopped by the Cops
Hope you’re in Mexico, not the USSA, says Jorge Gato.
Land of the Free?
No, says Doug Casey, land of assassinations, war crimes, and cages.
The One Indispensable Reading Lesson
Linda Schrock Taylor on the 6 syllables.
Ron Paul: The Film
What will it be: liberty or tyranny, asks Stephanie Ealy.
Want To Really Help a Teenager?
Teach them how to start a business, says Marsha Friedman.
The Taker-Maker Index
Do you live in a state where parasites outnumber producers? Article by William Baldwin.
A Gold Supply Crunch
Is it forming? Article by Jeff Clark.
The 12 Top Bodyguards
In the movies.
Prep for Winter Road Travel
You may get stuck, but you can stay safe, warm, and alive.