LewRockwell.com – December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
How Would Anarcho-Capitalism Work?
We don’t need state overlords, says Murray Rothbard.
I Used To Be Pro-War
Tom Woods on what changed his mind.
Darwinists Have a Problem
Almost no one agrees with them, so they bring in the badges and guns. Article by Gary North.
Doing Away With Debt Ceiling Drama
It could backfire on the government. Let’s hope, says Peter Schiff.
A Peek into the the American Political Conscience
Paul Craig Roberts on the sickening treatment of Bradley Manning.
Has Saul Alinsky Replaced Thomas Jefferson?
Pat Buchanan on what to do about it.
The Ultimate Gift for a Gold Lover
A solid-gold tree. Frank Holmes on amazing consumer trends.
Stop Your Browser
From revealing personal info.
No Gold, No Silver, Just Borax
A fascinating history of Death Valley and 20-mule team transport. Article by Joe Zentner.
What Will You Do When the Lights Go Out?
Daisy Luther on how to be ready.
Were Wilson, Churchill and Roosevelt War Criminals?
Peter Hitchens on the “good wars.”