LewRockwell.com – November 16, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012
Choose Liberty, Reject the State, Seek Change Within Yourself
Ron Paul’s farewell to congress is a masterpiece.
Inconvenient Truths
Doug Casey on American foreign policy.
The Emancipation Proclamation and Other Myths
And the truth about Abe Lincoln.
Dogs and Empire
Becky Akers on the absurd totalitarianism of the US.
A Hero of Peace and Secession
And why you’ve never heard of him. Article by Brion McClanahan.
Where Do Rights Come From?
Tom Woods explains.
The Takedown of Petraeus
And the CIA’s long, criminal history. Article by Julie Lévesque.
Plan on Seeing the Movie ‘Lincoln’?
Here’s the un-PC truth, says Chris Rossini.
The Oxford English Dictionary’s Word of the Year
It seems to describe the failing US of A. Can you guess it?
Equality – the Great Socialist Ideal
Jeff Thomas on unfreedom.
The 10 Most Hazardous Household Chemicals
And other nasty stuff you may have around. Article by Richard Alexander.
Did You Ever, Like Lew, Lug One of These Around?
In 1981, the world’s first laptop weighed 24 lbs. Article by Mark Prigg.