Letters to the Editor: Voting recommendations from G.B. Madison.

Due partially to New Hampshire’s strict and unfair ballot access laws for minor parties, there are no solid pro-liberty candidates on the ballot. Voters will be given the option of Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Virgil Goode, Gary Johnson or writing in a candidate. Since there is no declaration of intent for write-in candidate’s to file stating they wish for their votes to be tallied, the Secretary of State simply lists “scattered” on the certified totals.

But, I digress. Of the ballot listed choices, Gary Johnson is probably closest to my views, however his support of a national sales tax and “humanitarian wars” (whatever that means) are reason enough for me to not give him my vote. Instead, I will use the write-in option to cast a protest vote for “None of the Above” (NOTA) and if you’re not satisfied with your choices, I ask you to join me in doing so!

In Liberty,
G.B. Madison


In the race for State Rep from Keene’s flotoral district, there is only 1 candidate on the ballot who supports individual liberty on every issue. There is only 1 candidate to get an “A” rating from the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. There is only 1 candidate who supports eliminating laws that create crimes without a victim. There is only 1 candidate in this race who truly believes in the motto “Live Free or Die!” On November 6, I will be voting for Ian Freeman for Cheshire District 16 State Rep.

In Liberty,
G.B. Madison


The Keene Sentinel ran two recent LTE’s regarding the Registry of Deeds. One letter told how the office was filthy and needed to be cleaned. The other letter was written by the current Register of Deeds, claiming the budget had been cut to the point that “there was nothing left to cut.”

I agree with Bruce Donati that the Registry of Deeds office needs to be cleaned, and it needs to be cleaned from the top down! There is only one person running who will work to further cut the budget of the Registry of Deeds and work to save the taxpayers money. It is for this reason, that I will be voting for Darryl W. Perry for Register of Deeds on November 6.

In Liberty,
G.B. Madison