Connecting the Dots in the Real World
Created by Roy Perlmutter October 31 2012
EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say
Is a General losing his job over Benghazi?
Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order
Gerald Celente
Egon von Greyerz (EvG): Founder and Managing Partner of Matterhorn Asset Management AG & GoldSwitzerland – EvG forecasted the current economic problems over 10 years ago. In 2002 (gold $300/ oz.) MAM recommended to its investors to put 50% of their investment assets into physical gold stored outside the banking system. EvG specialises in M&A and Asset allocation consultancy for private family funds. MAM (based in Zurich, Switzerland) specialises in wealth preservation for high net worth individuals as well as institutions.
Dr. Dave interviewed me (Ed Steer) for about 25 minutes on his “Operation Freedom” program on all-talk radio WAAM-FM out of Ann Arbor, Michigan on Sunday afternoon
Ed Steer’s Gold & Silver Daily
Turk – 15,000 Tons Of Western Central Bank Gold Is Gone
Netherlands’ Citizens Group Demands Central Bank Reveal Location of Country’s Gold Reserves
Embry – Truth Exposed About Missing Central Bank Gold
Sure, there’s probably still gold in central bank vaults, but how many claims to it?
Let the Markets Clear! By Ron Paul
The free market’s slow death by Alasdair Macleod who runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics.
The idea that we have a capitalist economy, where assets are priced on the basis of their productive value is untrue.
Here Is What Will Fuel The Move Higher In Hard Assets
If that isn’t a death spiral, it is a close approximation of one By Charles Hugh Smith, of two
Turk – Central Banks Now Scrambling For Physical Gold
The head of the European Central Bank has thrown his weight behind a German scheme to allow the EU to intervene in countries’ budgets
“I am certain: if we want to restore confidence in the eurozone, countries will have to transfer part of their sovereignty to the European level,” Draghi told Spiegel in comments published in German…
“Several governments have not yet understood that they lost their national sovereignty long ago. Because they ran up huge debts in the past, they are now dependent on the goodwill of the financial markets,” Draghi said.”
Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order
Memo to Central Banks: You’re debasing more than our currency
Chinese currency plays complex, crucial role in U.S. economy
Frequently Asked Questions on Hyperinflation (Financial Sense)
Bix Weir – Live From The SIlver Summit In Spokane Washington
Weakness Begets More Weakness By: Eric Sprott & David Baker, Sprott Global Resources Ltd.
How does the US achieve a sustained recovery if “the 99%” continues to suffer perpetual decline in real income?
Q3 GDP Estimate Beats Expectations As Government “Consumption” Soars
John McCain Slams Ben Bernanke and Jamie Dimon
UBS To Terminate 10,000, Or One Sixth Of Its Employees
The True State Of Wall Street: Only +1,000 BBG Terminals Sold Through September
Fannie Mae Enron, the Sequel
Europe’s Poor Ask for Food Aid as Crisis Bites
Meanwhile In Japan…
Honda slashes forecast on China territorial spat
China Warns It Will Respond “Forcefully” To Japanese Violation Of Its “Territorial Sovereignty”
Barack Obama (D) Top Contributors 2008