LewRockwell.com – October 4, 2012 Posted on October 4, 2012 by RSS Feed Thursday, October 4, 2012 The Overlord Contest Andrew Napolitano on Clown 1 and Clown 2. The Level of Wealth Destruction Will Be Unbelievable When the Fed destroys the world, says Marc Faber. The Government Murder of Donald Scott Will Grigg on law enforcement. Poisonous Baloney Becomes Gospel In academia, when the Koch Brothers pony up. Article by Murray Rothbard. What’s Agorism? Tom Woods talks about liberty. Remember Those Spying ‘Fusion’ Centers? They’re an asset for the police state and a black hole for the tax-slaves, says Becky Akers. The DIY Nicola Tesla-Inspired Antenna A cheap and simple way to receive shortwave and AM radio. Article by Dan and Sheila. Against the Algoreans James Delingpole wages all-out war on the corrupt, bogus, government-subsidized eco-cartel. A Hot, New Prepper Tool? Lisa Bedford goes on a laminating rampage with her critical documents. Is Organic a Scam? Mark Sisson on 2 aspects of our wellness. The Plot To Destroy the Rolling Stones Engineered by UK and US secret police. Top 9 Herbs for Liver Cleansing Edward Group on powerful detoxifiers that have been successfully used for centuries.